Monday, June 20, 2011

Response to Tracey

First of all, LOL!!!! Only Tracey could pull off something this hilarious. I thought this was very funny and well written. I loved how open and honest Tracey is and I thought the use of profanity made it that much more realistic. I thought Tracey painted the scenery for each story very vividly. It was very easy to get sucked into Tracy's stories and see yourself right there when it happened. I could even hear Tracey narrating each part. This should be a TV show.
Some of my favorites are "bars", "Owen", "panties", and "quiet". I laughed out loud on the transit while reading "bars". The last thing I was expecting to be said was she passed gas. I thought she was going to say she fell. In "owen", I never pegged Tracey for an arsonist but the Hello Kitty toaster seems right up her alley. I could relate very well to 'panties'. I think everyone at some time or another has fallen victim to a runaway piece of underwear only to have it found by someone you don't want to see it, though I'm not sure how many of us have dropped our drawers in front of a whole team.....I found myself able to relate to 'quiet' as well. It was another story with a surprise ending for me. I thought Tracey's minister was going to ask her to pray and Tracey couldn't think of anything to say. Dropping the collection plate came out of left field for me. I loved the part about her parents being "proud". I've had those embarrassing moments in church and I can see my mother vividly sitting low in the pew, with her hands covering her face and shaking her head.
I really couldn't find anything to suggest should be considered for revision. If there were any typos or grammatical errors I failed to catch them.

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