Monday, June 13, 2011

Response to Brendan Morgan

This story is about Roger, a mechanical engineer who has has some family issues in the past and his only current connection to his relatives now is his sister. Roger has a friend named Kristine who he hangs around with often. When Roger learns that Kristine likes him it puts him in an odd place. He even feels slightly offended. But after thinking about a conversation he had with his sister, he realizes he doesn't want to be alone so he takes a chance on a relationship with Kristine.
I liked the story. I thought making Roger a mechanical engineer was a fresh idea. You don't see many engineers in stories. The idea of not wanting to spend life alone was cleverly introduced, Roger's aunt had been cheated on by a third husband who coincidentally was pretty much the same guy as her first and third husband. I thought the fact that Roger and his friends spent their free time going over zombie apocalyptic survival strategies was funny. Not your typical game night by far.
I have to admit I did like Roger as a person but I would not recommend changing who he is. I found him to be a bit conceded in his talents as an engineer but this helped to support him being so cynical about relationships. I think the fact that I did not like Roger helped me to support his change at the end. What I would have liked to see was more about his relationship with Kristine. While he mentions he felt at ease around her, he never mentioned that he found her attractive or gave the slightest hint that he may even be leaning in the direction of liking her, let alone dating her. Does he really like her or is he just with her because she likes him and he no longer wants to be alone? I would have liked the see a scene where they become a couple. I think the ending came a little too fast.

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