Friday, June 10, 2011

"The Dreamer"

In this story, main character Jack is dealing with the sudden lose of a teacher he considered to be a mentor, Mr. Bland. I like the idea of the high school setting. It's something we can all relate to however you didn't fall into the cliche high school drama scenario. I liked the idea that Mr. Bland was a teacher by day and a sort of super hero by night saving students from evil step parents and bad decision making. The detail that no one knew what he did in his spare time strongly supported that. I think the part where Jack told Mr. Bland about Nathan's band prank kind of took away from Mr. Bland's superhero-esque. Mr. Bland usual shows up in the nick of time and knows just what to say every time. I think him mysteriously know about Nathan's prank and preventing would help support the dark avenger quality that has been painted for Mr. Bland. I don't think Jack really changes much at the end, no more than just finding comfort in the knowledge that Mr. Bland is okay as well as his father's killer has been caught. I also thought Nathan and Scott's changes may have been a bit too drastic at the very end. Maybe if the only has slight changes or maybe their transitions could begin right after Mr. Bland leaves. Perhaps they want to continue Mr. Bland's tradition of being helpful to the community. Or maybe Mr. Bland could have left notes for Scott and Nathan as well and that could inspire their changes and they wouldn't seem so drastic. I would like a little more detail about how the police got the lead on Mr. Bland as a suspect. I also think it may be a good idea to give Jack's father's killer a name as well. If a policeman had been murdered and his killer had been found, there would be much more information about it other than just "a suspect". On page 4 it says "It saddened me to think about it, but thinks seemed better without Mr. Bland around." With the level of respect your character had for Mr. Bland, would he really think this. Maybe he would be saddened by the fact that all these new positive changes were going on in school and Mr. Bland wasn't there to see it or be apart of it.
Overall, Great story!!! =)

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