Friday, June 3, 2011


I liked how this story was told from the viewpoint of one of the girl scouts. I think it showed how realistically catty girls can be, even in the fourth grade. I remember girls in my class always using big words incorrectly and always trying to find an excuse to be bossy and pick at people. I think ZZ does  a good job of demonstrating the real sneakiness of little girls but yet not making them too bratty. I was expecting this story to be told from the Scout Mother's prospective. I also though she did a good job of describing the setting. Instead of just setting the scout in the cabin, she has them "wending their way passed their bus, past the ranger station, past the colorful trail". I also like the phrase "like a treasure map". When one thinks of camp grounds it is often full of winding trails and little obstacles like rock, rivers, and tree stumps and treasure maps are the same with their winding dashed lined trails and "six paces past the blah blah blah.".

1 comment:

  1. Writing about children is so difficult -- they can either seem overly innocent and cutesey or too unrealistically adult-like. You can learn a lot about writing from a child's point of view here.

    Don't forget that the responses to the published works should be 300 words . . .
