Friday, May 27, 2011

Response to "Whistle While You Work"

I thought the first two lines were very nice but the rhymes in the third and fourth seem a bit forces. Also with the first two lines, Hayley said she was trying to say that seconds and minutes are not enough time to create a poem but the way I read it caused me to think that she was trying to say that poetry takes up too much time. Perhaps I am the only one who got confused but that.  Overall stanza one's flow was very good. The second stanza, however was nothing like the first. The first stanza has AABBCD rhymes scheme and the second was ABCBDD. Once again, in the second stanza the rhymes on line 5&6 seemed forced. I think the theme of the poem if very good. Swapping (not necessarily changing them) a few lines and finding a common rhyme scheme would make this poem very powerful and perhaps a bit easier to understand. I would also suggest to consider reworking the title. Though the poem does reference the "Snow White" song, the title is too recognizable and may cause readers to look for the connection to the movie rather than the poems actual message. While in our groups yesterday, Ward made the suggestion to title it, "Whistle while you write" Though I would not recommend using a title made up by someone else, I think it is a step in the right direction towards the title's revision. Each poem is unique and this one deserves a title that is just that.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing wrong with taking someone else's title suggestion -- that's what workshops like ours are all about. Writing is a community act and feedback can really help people.
